My Story

Thank you for visiting Lilly Lou Soap Co.! As someone born with the rare genetic skin disorder, Epidermolytic Ichthyosis, finding skin care products that work well on my skin has been quite a challenge my whole life. After using countless products without great results, I decided to combine what works best on my skin and make quality skin care products with natural ingredients. I have a huge love for nature and animals, so I am proud to say that Lilly Lou Soap Co. is cruelty free and is named after my beloved rescue beagle, Lilly, who was my sweet girl for over seven years. I also help support other small businesses by using Vermont made honey in every bar of soap. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy my products!


Here at Lilly Lou Soap Co we make sure to use only the finest and highest quality ingredients in our soap because every wonderful person deserves only the best! (That’s you. You’re the wonderful person.)  Below is a list of every ingredient that is in my soap, so you can understand why it feels so good!

Olive Oil:  Olive Oil is filled with antioxidants, as well as vitamins, A, D, K, and E, making it a great oil for hydrating sensitive skin!

Canola Oil: Canola Oil contains essential fatty acids rich in vitamins K, C, and E. It moisturizes skin, and enhances your skin's strength.

Organic Coconut Oil: Coconut Oil is a very hydrating oil that smooths skin, and also helps to protect your skin from environmental toxins, and dirt!

 Sustainable Palm Oil: Palm oil helps protect your skin from harmful UV radiation, helps enhance skin elasticity, and most importantly, is harvested in a sustainable way which does NOT promote the deforestation of palm trees, leading to homeless orangutans.

Castor Oil: Castor Oil is a very moisturizing oil that has anti-bacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory properties making it a fantastic oil for all around skin health!

Aloe: Aloe is gentle and soothing on the skin.  This wonderful natural ingredient contains antioxidants, enzymes, and Vitamins A and C. It can also help soothe sunburns!

Goat’s Milk: Goat’s Milk is amazing for your skin!  It contains Alpha-Hydroxy acid which softens skin and helps break down dead skin cells, giving the skin a healthier appearance!

Kaolin Clay: Kaolin Clay helps to minimize the look of pores, and acts as an exfoliator leaving your skin feeling healthy, and nourished!

Honey:  Honey is a natural humectant, so it helps keep the skin moist! It can also help fight against skin infections!

Sodium Lactate: Sodium Lactate is derived from the sugars of natural sources such as beets or corn.  Just like honey, it is a humectant so it moisturizes the skin as well as giving the skin a nice feeling of elasticity!

Sustainably Sourced Tussah Silk:  Adding Tussah Silk to soap gives a luxurious and silky smooth feel to your skin, and also contributes to my soap’s amazing lather!  The Tussah Silk used in my soap is sustainably harvested which means NO silk worms were harmed during the harvesting process!

Titanium Dioxide:  Extracted from naturally occurring minerals, Titanium Dioxide is great for sensitive skin, and provides protection against UV rays!

Mica Powder: Mica Powder is derived from a natural mineral called muscovite, and is what gives our soaps their amazing color! It also can give your skin a healthy glow!


Oatmeal: Not only does it nourish and hydrate the skin, it also acts as an excellent gentle exfoliant!

Colloidal Oats: They're filled with nutrients, antioxidants, and lipids and absorb easily into the skin to protect and soothe dry skin.

Our soaps are cruelty-free, and handmade in small batches to ensure quality.

We're excited to share our products with you, by giving you a random free sample of one of our products with each purchase!


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